Firmansyah is one of the alumni of the AC service training held by YIIM and INSIGHT Investments Management in 2020. Firman is currently registered with Jakpreuner. After the training, Firmansyah…
Bambang Setiaji (41 years old) is an alumnus of the AC cleaning and service training organized by YIIM and Insight Investments Management in 2020. After the training, Mr. Bambang was…
Jimmy Simatupang (45 years old) is an alumni of the AC repair and cleaning training held by YIIM and Insight Investments Management in 2020. After the training, Mr. Jimmy was…
Asep Saefudin (39 years old) is an alumni of the AC service and cleaning training held by YIIM and Insight Investments Management in 2020. After the training, Mas Asep received…
Ahmad Huda Dimyati (28 years old) is an alumnus of the AC Service and Cleaning training held by YIIM and Insight Investments Management in 2020. After the training, Mr. Huda…
Ali Muhtar (36 years old) is an alumnus of the AC service and washing training held by the Yayasan Inspirasi Indonesia Membangun (YIIM) and Insight Investments Management in 2020. After…